Arthur Findlay's Books
  • • About Arthur Findlay (May 16, 1883 - July 24, 1964)[+]
    Arthur Findlay OBE studied comparative religion from the age of seventeen. His parents were staunch Christians, and burned his library of books to discourage his inquiry. He became a hugely successful businessman, an Accountant, Stockbroker, and Magistrate.
    In his later years, Findlay stressed that the understanding survival of death had nothing to do with religion, belief, or faith. It is a matter of scientific fact.
    In 1919, Findlay met John Sloan, a direct voice medium who had the rare gift that enables those who have died to materialise their vocal organs and vibrate our atmosphere. Once convinced of the reality of this phenomenon, Findlay sat with Sloan with only his stenographer present, and discussed by question and answer information provided by advanced inhabitants of the etheric world.

    From these discussions, Findlay established that the human personality survives death unchanged. He confirmed that gods were human inventions. Primitive people imagined that all apparitions were gods, which accounts for their number and savage nature. He confirmed that the etheric body was the real enduring body controlled by mind, unaffected by its transition.

    In the 1920s, scientists discovered that matter was not solid, but consisted of atoms that have been further reduced to particles or waves, and Findlay showed that--just as broadcast waves exist unaffected by each other--so the etheric world interpenetrated this world and was just beyond our perception. As the discoveries of Copernicus revolutionised our conception of the physical universe, the findings of Findlay revealed that life is continuous and has purpose. This is also expressed by Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-discoverer with Darwin of the theory of evolution.
    After spending nine years investigating psychic phenomena he wrote:
    Man is a duality consisting of an organised spiritual form evolving coincidentally with and permeating the physical body and having corresponding organs and development. Death is the separation of this duality and effects no change in the spirit, either morally or intellectually.
    Progressive evolution of the intellectual and moral nature is the destiny of individuals; the knowledge, attainments and experience of earth life form the basis of spirit life.

    There is nothing more vital for the welfare of humanity today than to solve the mystery of existence. I believe it has been accomplished and if Humanism adopts this new knowledge it's philosophy will be unassailable. Our mental outlook will undergo a complete change and the world will be a better place.

    Arthur Findlay

    Arthur Findlay

    Please note that the Campaign for Philosophical Freedom is not affiliated with the Arthur Findlay College.
  • • The Curse of Ignorance (1947)[+]
    Findlay took seven years to complete this two-volume history of the Christian era, which was first published in 1947. In it, he recorded the history of mankind from the time of primitive man to the end of the Second World War, and made clear what an important influence psychic phenomena have had on world history. The Curse of Ignorance records past follies and achievements, and acts as a guide for present and future generations. This work is no less than a revolution in thought.

    This passage sums up just how badly the British people have been deceived:
    "Such, however, is still [the Church's] influence that this book, which tells the story of the past honestly and fearlessly, will be kept out of our schools and universities by the authorities, and consequently, only in later life will those with enquiring minds discover the truth."

    The following are extracts from some of the many reviews of The Curse of Ignorance:
    "Mr. Arthur Findlay, who ranks among the leading historians of our day, has now given us The Curse of Ignorance, a lucid history of mankind from primitive times to the end of the Second World War - a truly monumental task. Throughout this competent and very readable work he strives, in vividly written pages, to show how ignorance and selfishness have led to wars, resulting in untold misery. All will agree with him as to the need for increased knowledge and an advance in our ethical standards." - Staffordshire Advertiser.
    "Mr. Arthur Findlay has given us a compendious and most lucid work. Any writer who can credibly complete such a task has achieved no mean feat, and this Mr. Findlay has certainly performed. We cannot withhold a feeling of gratitude from a writer who has the monumental energy to give us 2,328 vivid pages marked by almost Gibbonian role but less verbosity. Here we have history of quality." - Wolverhampton Express and Star.
    Arthur Findlay was clear in his views about religion. In his epic book “The Curse of Ignorance” he distances himself from religion:
    “There are two ways of life, one leading to righteousness, which brings happiness, and the other to unrighteousness, which produces misery. One leads to kindness, mercy and sympathy, the other to hatred and cruelty; one to tolerance and the other to intolerance; one to justice and the other to injustice; one to truth and the other to error; one to peace and concord and the other to quarrelling and war; one to mental development and the other to mental contraction. One is the Secular way and the other is the Theological; one is the Democratic and the other the Despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane.”

    The Curse of Ignorance (1947)

    Paperback, 2 volumes:
    Volume 1: ISBN 0 947823 33 6
    Volume 2: ISBN 0 947823 34 4

  • • The Psychic Stream (1939)[+]
    Findlay researched supernormal occurrences and discovered that they were responsible for the origin, beliefs and rituals of all religions. The Psychic Stream is the interaction between the Earth and the etheric realms. The outcome of 35 years of study, this book traces the streams influence upon religious thought throughout the ages.
    From a customer review on Amazon:
    It's mainly about Christianity, it's birth and development, but in order to even start discussing it, we first have to look at the development of the Saviour-God religions. These sprung up in many countries that practised sacrifice as a religious ritual, and we can count 16 'Christs' in the Middle/Near East/Mediterranean areas leading up to the Jewish Christ, all having the same basic elements to their life stories. For example, a Babylonian tablet from circa 2000BC reveals the life story of the Babylonian Christ, Bel, or Baal to the Hebrews, (who when fighting the Philistines had thus been fighting supporters of the Babylonian Christ) in the instructions for the scenes of their mystery play, performed by them at our Eastertime. Nobody believed this stuff had ever actually occurred, and they would have doubted the sanity of anyone who thought that the various scenes of what was an obvious myth had really taken place.
    Babylonian Legend:
    Bel is taken Prisoner
    Bel is tried in the Hall of Justice
    Bel is smitten
    Bel is led away to the Mount
    With Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is released
    After Bel has gone to the Mount the city breaks out into tumult
    Bel's clothes are carried away
    Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from life
    A weeping woman seeks him at the gate of burial
    Bel is brought back to life
    The Psychic Stream

    The Psychic Stream (1939)

    ISBN-10: 094782331X
    ISBN-13: 978-0947823313

  • • On The Edge Of The Etheric, Or Survival After Death Scientifically Explained (1939)[+]
    Findlay's first book made it very clear that the subject of survival after death comes within the laws of nature, that it is the scientific discipline called subatomic physics the study of the invisible part of the universe.

    'The book that supplies the key to the mystery of death, that makes the Spirit World understandable, and is revolutionising the Scientific and Religious thought of Great Britain. It marks the entrance to a new age of thought, and the acceptance of the facts contained in it will unite Religion and Science, will stop war, and bring humanity together in a common brotherhood.'
    Death, I am told, is as easy and as simple as going to sleep and then awakening. Our etheric body slips out of the physical body, carrying the mind with it, and we awake to our new surroundings to find our friends and relations ready to help and instruct us in our new life. Death is simply the severance of this etheric body or structure from the physical body. The physical body returns to earth, and the etheric body, controlled by the mind, continues to function in the etheric world which, though within and also without the physical, yet cannot be appreciated by us so long as we are inhabitants of the physical body. Our range of sight and touch is too confined for us to appreciate these finer vibrations.
    In Chapter 15 (Facts We Ought to Know) of On the Edge of the Etheric, Findlay summarizes his view of the relationship between the physical body and what he calls the etheric body:
    Here in this world our bodies are dual; physical, which we can see and touch; etheric, which we cannot sense with our physical organs. These two bodies interpenetrate each other, but the etheric is the permanent, enduring one, the etheric mind being the abode of our memory, personality, and all those qualities which make up our character. Those qualities pertain to the etheric. The mind never grows old, only the brain -- the mind's instrument -- which becomes impaired as the physical body grows old. Nothing we have learned, no intellectual wealth acquired, is ever lost.

    Here we lose, in time, the power of expression; but this is due to the physical instrument ceasing to function with its aforetime precision. When, after the death change, the worn-out garment is laid aside, we stand, clothed in an etheric body, in our new abode. Freed from the limitations of the physical, our faculties are clear and movements more rapid. In the change we lose nothing of value; we are still ourselves in form and feature, in thought and action. Those who have lost arms or legs will have them again, as it was only the physical which was lost, and the same with all the other bodily disabilities. [Findlay's footnote: The individual mind in the etheric world obtains in time such control over the etheric body that bodily deformations can be removed and cured by thought.] The physical is but the covering; it is continually wasting away and being renewed by the blood, which is another proof that there is a permanent structure to which physical matter is attached.

    The child who leaves this earth as such grows to manhood or womanhood, and when this stage is reached remains a fully-grown developed man or woman. Old age pertains to the physical, but it is unknown in the etheric. Children in the etheric world are carefully cared for and educated; there they have their schools and colleges; in fact the desire for knowledge is the outstanding desire of all who seek for progress, be they children or adults. And what of the old who die? Do they who live long enough to die with all the disabilities of old age retain those throughout eternity? If we could only comprehend that the etheric body never grows old, but only the physical body, this question would not be asked. When the old and tottering body is cast aside the etheric duplicate stands erect, freed from its outward physical handicap.

    The old die old only in the physical sense, but enter the next life young. Age there is not measured in years, as time there differs from ours ....

    The man and woman of average intelligence perceives the new environment without much delay, some almost immediately, on the passing of their etheric bodies out of the physical covering, though with others it may take days or weeks, as we measure time.

    Our etheric body is in every respect a duplicate of our physical body. This may seem strange at first, and I found it difficult to grasp until I understood the fact that the etheric is the real body on earth, and that from the moment of conception it has gathered round it physical matter, slowing vibration. Otherwise it could not have functioned in the physical world owing to its finer and more rapid vibrations.

    The physical body is only a protective covering for the etheric during its passage through the earth life. In reality, our real hands here are etheric hands clothed with a glove of physical matter, and so with all the other parts of the body. Our real brain is the etheric brain, through which the mind functions, and it acts through this whether we are in this world or the next. The mind acts on the etheric brain, and the etheric brain on the material covering which we call the physical brain ....

    We are really much greater than we think we are, very much so; our mind as expressed through the physical brain is very limited, and only when freed from the physical do we comprehend its greatness. Our earthly mind we call conscious mind, but it, and what we term the subconscious or subliminal mind, form a complete mind. Our conscious mind directs our activities in this world, but our greater mind functions in the next. We obtain only glimpses of this greater mind in the occasionally observed phenomena of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and prevision, and on these occasions the subliminal over-rides the conscious for a limited time and then withdraws.

    Some day, as man develops, the subliminal may become more and more a dominating factor, but at this stage of our development its intrusion is sporadic and confined to the few. When we pass on, our earth memories pass with us, but slowly they fade and we are guided and governed by this greater mind which has been with us all our lives building up our bodies, performing its inward functions, and making us what we are, though we know it not.
    On The Edge of the Etheric

    On The Edge Of The Etheric, Or Survival After Death Scientifically Explained (1939)

    ISBN 13: 9781585093403
    ISBN 10: 1585093408

  • • The Rock Of Truth Or Spiritualism, The Coming World Religion (1933)[+]
    Findlay makes incisive commentary on Christianity and compares it to Spiritualism.
    Subtitled "Spiritualism, the coming World Religion," the author examines such far reaching points as "What did Jesus really teach?" "Spiritualism, and what it stands for," "The Philosophy of Spiritualism" and all important points. This superb book investigates - and indicts - orthodoxy, and can rightly be regarded as a classic in the annals of psychic literature.

    Arthur Findlay:
    "I am one of the first to admire the unselfish social work of many clergy in the slums and elsewhere, but these activities are quite apart from those with which this book is concerned. Many others besides the clergy of the orthodox faith are engaged in missions to the poor. It is not the social side of the Church's work that this book attacks, but orthodox Christianity as preached from nearly every pulpit in Christendom, and it is this which affects the great majority of the people."

    "If I were not able to put before the people a better religion, a truer religion, and a greater religion for them to observe and follow, I would not trouble to attack what is false, as it gives a certain measure of comfort to many. Spiritualism, however, is an infinitely greater help to us in our lives and also in our deaths than the old faiths which satisfied our ancestors. My wish is not to knock down and destroy. My aim is to build a nobler edifice, but before this edifice can be built decaying rubbish about its foundations must be cleared away."
    From a customer review on Amazon:
    'Truth, whether in or out of fashion, is the measure of Knowledge. Whatever is beside that, however authorised by consent, is nothing but ignorance or something worse.' - Locke. Findlay chose this quote carefully for the title page of a book which in 1933 was one of the first to present to the popular reading public a truthful, historical account of the rise of Christianity, and emphasize the difference between the historical Jesus (assuming he existed merely on the principle of cause and effect, there to this day not being a scrap of historical evidence he actually existed) and the biblical Jesus, as well as Jesus' original message versus the one put into his mouth over three centuries by early Christian scribes. These alterations, plainly evident when comparing early versions of the Gospels, reflect the changing (and clearly man-made and borrowed) Christian doctrine until the Council of Nicaea fixed these evolving scriptures in 325AD. To consider these man-made books to be the Word of God is possibly the greatest blasphemy against any Creator one could make, to be exceeded only by equating this Infinite Intelligence with the murderous, immoral Jehovah.

    For those who doubt these results of decades of research by Findlay, consider that in September 1933 he published a challenge to all the Protestant clergymen in Great Britain and Ireland, 28630 of them, to expose any errors or misstatements in The Rock of Truth. A copy of the newspaper in which the challenge was published was personally mailed to every one! A footnote in The Unfolding Universe, which is the third book in the trilogy (the first having been On The Edge of The Etheric), states that no reply had been received after 15 years. That's simply because Findlay didn't make any of this stuff up. It all came from published works in Theology and Religious History that most Christians are completely unaware of, but which are old news to theologians and biblical scholars.
    The Rock of Truth

    The Rock Of Truth Or Spiritualism, The Coming World Religion (1933)

    ISBN-10: 0902036076
    ISBN-13: 978-0902036079