E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Brian Josephson (December 18, 2013): Scientists Agree that the Spiritual Part of the Universe Exists

To Professor B.D. Josephson: Nobel Laureate for Physics


the only trouble with this is that there was no big bang at a single point in time.

The Roman Catholic priest, Georges Lemaitre, known as the father of the big bang, started from the wrong scientific base. He was following Einstein's macro materialistic model of the universe and not Sir Isaac Newton's spiritual (quantum) model of the universe.

Newton was on our side, he recognised that we all possess a soul that separates from the dead physical body. Therefore Newton started from the correct scientific base, that the spiritual part of the universe exists. It seems obvious to me where the big scientific mistake has been made. When reversing the expanding universe, everything should have been pushed back into the spiritual part of the universe, the subjective source of everything. The followers of Einstein went too far and ended up with everything in our physical universe going back and disappearing into nothing.

As Adrian Berry, the science correspondent of the Telegraph, said a few years ago when talking about the neutrino, "When physicists make mistakes they are usually very big indeed." This time they really hit the jackpot with this big bang nonsense.

Michael Roll

E-mail from Professor Brian Josephson to Michael Roll (December 16, 2013)

On 16 Dec 2013, at 11:15, Michael Roll wrote:

> Einstein's theory of relativity is incompatible with quantum mechanics.
> Surely it is vital that all your mathematical calculations must now start from the quantum (spiritual) level and not the macro level?

Indeed so. Note that scientists are beginning to consider what happened 'before the big bang' -- this was the subject of a Horizon TV programme (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00vdkmj). But any reference to spirituality has to be excluded (which gives all of us who don't think it has to be excluded a head start!), for one to remain a legitimate member of the Club. Smolin's theory (in the clip) is definitely not a spiritual one.

Since Hawking has been mentioned here, here is his view of the big bang -- the 'no boundary boundary condition':


The article states that in this picture the universe is 'infinitely finite'.
Hmmm . . Spirituality through the back door?

For further clarification (??): 'According to the theory, time diverged from three state dimension - as we know the time now[clarification needed] - after the universe was at the age of the Planck time.'


B D Josephson
Brian David Josephson, FRS is a Welsh physicist. He was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1973 for the prediction of the eponymous Josephson effect. He is currently Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Cambridge, where he is director of the Mind–Matter Unification Project in the Theory of Condensed Matter (TCM) research group. He is also a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Scientists' unethical use of media for propaganda purposes
This web page is intended to draw the attention of scientists, the media, and the public to a problem that, while being very familiar to some, is probably unknown to the majority of visitors to this web page.  Propagandising of the kind described in the following bypasses the normal carefully considered processes of science, and may well create a distorted impression in the mind of the unsuspecting reader or viewer.
Could telepathy one day be explained by modern physics?
Transcript of a discussion on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, October 2, 2001, with Sue MacGregor (presenter), Brian Josephson and Nicholas Humphrey, and a voice recording of James Randi.
From a set of commemorative Royal Mail stamps, issued in 2001:
"Physicists attempt to reduce the complexity of nature to a single unifying theory, of which the most successful and universal, the quantum theory, has been associated with several Nobel Prizes, for example those to Dirac and Heisenberg. Max Planck's original attempts a hundred years ago to explain the precise amount of energy radiated by hot bodies began a process of capturing in mathematical form a mysterious , elusive world containing 'spooky interactions at a distance ', real enough however to lead to inventions such as the laser and the transistor. Quantum theory is now being fruitfully combined with theories of information and computation. These developments may lead to an explanation of processes still not understood within conventional science, such as telepathy - an area in which Britain is at the forefront of research."
Professor Brian Josephson
Awarded the prize in 1973 for 'Discoveries regarding "Tunnelling Phenomena" of particles in solids'.