E-mail from Michael Roll to John Turner (March 15, 2003): The Subject of Survival After Death has Been Hijacked by Religionists

In his e-mail, Michael Roll writes:
"My long fight to present the work of Arthur Findlay within the Spiritualist movement has had the opposite effect to the one I was hoping for. Instead of bringing all the Spiritualists over to Findlay's secular scientific approach to the study of survival after death it has caused an exodus. The thousands of people who have bothered to read Findlay's books have immediately left the movement."

Open Letter from Michael Roll to John Samson (April 1, 2001): SPR Censoring Scientific Proof of Survival After Death

In his letter, Michael Roll writes:
"In April's Psychic World, letters from the Secretary of the SPR and its President have totally ignored the fact that every paper presented to the SPR that links the subject of survival after death with the scientific discipline of subatomic physics is censored by those who are running the show. This proves that the SPR does have a "corporate opinion"."

E-mail from Michael Roll to David Duffield (January 6, 2003): Philosophical Balance

In his e-mail, Michael Roll writes:
"I am appealing to the British sense of fair play. Every time you hear James Randi and his devoted followers, who still have total control of all media and educational outlets, attack our great scientist Sir William Crookes. Please say, all right, we have heard your case that Crookes was a liar, a fraud, a crank, a gullible Spiritualist, and a sex maniac. May we now please hear from qualified scientists who disagree with everything you say about this former President of the Royal Society?"