E-mail from Michael Roll to Rupert Sheldrake (November 4, 2013): Scientific Discovery of the Spiritual Part of the Universe

In his e-mail, Michael Roll writes:
"Archie Roy […] said, “We have no idea what gravity is.” I told him that it seemed obvious to me that it is the force of the spiritual part of the universe."

E-mail from Michael Roll to Gary Schwartz (May 1, 2003): The Scientific Proof of Survival After Death Belongs to Every Person on Earth

In his e-mail, Michael Roll writes:
"This begs the question, why has Prof. Archie Roy kept quiet about the revolutionary mediumship of Rita Goold that he witnessed in 1983?"

Letter from Ronald Pearson to Michael Roll (January 2001): Key to Consciousness: Quantum Gravitation

This letter comments on the letter from January, 1996 rejecting Pearson's paper Key to Consciousness: Quantum gravitation from publication in the Journal of Consciousness Studies.

In his letter, Ronald Pearson writes:
"As it stands the rejection looks reasonable because it implies it was assessed "fairly and openly". The truth is very different. Both rejection letters made absolutely no reference to anything in the paper. Both simply extolled the perfection of general relativity as the best possible theory of gravity which could ever be devised and that was it!"