Letter from Michael Roll to Psychic News (December 18, 1999)

In his letter, Michael Roll writes:
"The sole reason why Christian priests hate mediums so much is because they give more hope to grieving people than 'resting in peace' waiting for Judgement Day.”

Letter from Michael Roll to Greg Dyke (December 11, 1999)

In his letter, Michael Roll writes:
”how about starting every religious programme with a Government Health Warning?”

Letter from Michael Roll to Lord Avebury (December 10, 1999)

In his letter, Michael Roll writes:
”In the 1980's I made a determined effort to find a rational scientific explanation to explain why our ignorant ancestors invented all these dangerous and divisive religions in the first place. What has been uncovered not only put the fear of Christ up the religionists, it forced powerful pseudo-scientists to join forces with the priests in a desperate effort to censor all uncomfortable discoveries in subatomic physics.”

Letter from Lord Avebury to Michael Roll (December 7, 1999): A History of Christianity

In his letter, Lord Avebury writes:
"It is obvious that adherents of any faith would seek to present it in as favourable a light as they can, and indeed, because most historians writing in the English language come from a Christian background, they are biased.”

Letter from Ian Robson to New Scientist (December 6, 1999): Counter-Arguments to Einstein's Theories

In his letter, Ian Robson writes:
”It should be pointed out that since Einstein published his theories, more than a few eminent researchers have produced counter-arguments to them.”


””Since quantum mechanics came into being, the famous scientist Stephen Hawkingadmitted that this branch of physics is incompatible with relativity and that one or the other must be wrong.”


”Will your magazine tell the truth to the British people?”

Open Letter from Ron Pearson to John Samson (August 13, 1999): Does the Society for Psychical Research Have a "Corporate Policy"?

In his letter, Ron Pearson writes:
"The corporate policy of the SPR is to support a paradigm of established physics: that mind is mere brain function.
This is in direct conflict with an overwhelming bulk of evidence, which shows that our immortal minds transfer to another system of matter invisible and untouchable to us (since it operates on a different quantum wavelength). I think this is the main reason the Church has tried to suppress the truth about the real nature of spirituality for so many centuries."