E-mail from Michael Roll to Steve Clarke (November 30, 2013): Professor Richard Dawkins puts the Record Straight

In his e-mail, Michael Roll writes:
"Everybody who has made a careful study of life after death knows very well that (…) our pioneers of radio and television (…) were linking the subject of survival after death with subatomic physics."

E-mail from Michael Roll to Melody Mehta (January 9, 2002): Church and State

In his e-mail, Michael Roll writes:
"Immediately people find out that it's a scientific fact that we all survive death then nobody will ever grovel before a priest again."

Letter from Michael Roll to Professor Gary Schwartz (September 9, 2001): Natural Forces in the Universe

In his letter, Michael Roll writes:
"Nothing happened yesterday in the laws of physics that does not happen today. Sir William Crookes and I witnessed exactly the same phenomena as the followers of all these saviour-gods. Understandably they thought something supernatural had happened and they turned their heroes into God - the creator of the universe."