E-mail from Michael Roll to Adrian Berry (June 4, 2014): Astronomy at The Telegraph

In his e-mail, Michael Roll writes:
"It does not take a mathematical genius to come to the conclusion that the force of gravity, that keeps the oceans from flying off into space, and the suns in a galaxy from doing the same thing, is in fact the force that is coming from the spiritual part of the universe."

E-mail from Michael Roll to Polly Toynbee (May 3, 2014): These Religious Nuts are Determined to get us in a Third World War

In his e-mail, Michael Roll writes:
"Only Nigel Farage has had the guts to warn that it is the EU that is causing all the hatred in the Ukraine."

E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Brian Josephson (December 18, 2013): Scientists Agree that the Spiritual Part of the Universe Exists

In his e-mail, Michael Roll writes:
"Newton was on our side, he recognised that we all possess a soul that separates from the dead physical body."